Wednesday 3 May 2017

Guess Paper Of Biology Fsc Part 2 Important Mcqs 2017

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Guess Paper Of Biology Fsc Part 2 Important Mcqs 2017
The armored mammal that live only in America is
(A) Echidna
(B) Pangolin
(C) Porcupine
(D) Armadillo
Most land mammals respond to cold by raising their
(A) Tail
(B) Head
(C) Legs
(D) Furs
Number of cervical vertebrae in a male camel (Mammal)
(A) 7
(B) 11
(C) No definite number
(D) Varied with the size of necic
The problem in which contraction of entire muscle takes place and it lasts for just a few seconds to several hours is
(A) Tetanus
(B) Tetany
(C) Cramp
(D) Muscle fatigue
Cardiac muscles are
(A) Voluntary
(B) Involuntary
(C) Voluntary and involuntary
(D) None
Which is the end of muscle which remains fixed when the muscle contracts?
(A) insertion
(B) origin
(C) tendon
(D) belly
The succession in pond is called
(A) Derosere
(B) Xerosere
(C) Hydrosere
(D) Mesosere
In each case succession is initiated by a few hardy invaders called
(A) starters
(B) pioneers
(C) climax community
(D) decomposers
Primary succession, Which starts in a pond ecosystem i termed as
(A) ecosphere
(B) derosere
(C) hydrosere
(D) xerosere
Succession starts on dry soil is called
(A) Hydrosere
(B) Xerosere
(C) Derosere
(D) Desertification
Which cells secrete testosterone?
(A) Prostrate gland
(B) Seminal vesicle
(C) Interstitial cells
(D) Follicle cells
Fluid secreted by sertoli cells provides liquid medium, protection and nourishment to
(A) Oocyte
(B) Sperms
(C) Polar body
(D) Spermatids
Endocrine glands secrete
(A) hormones
(B) salts
(C) enzymes
(D) mucous
The smaller number of a cells in pancreas secrete
(A) Insulin
(B) Glucagon
(C) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
(D) Water
Drifting or floating microscoping animals and plants are called
(A) Plankton
(B) Cyanobacteria
(C) Fungi
(D) Mammals
Which part of brain monitor the body temperature
(A) Thalamus
(B) Pons
(C) Hypothalamus
(D) Arnygdala
The temperature more effective forvemalisation is
(A) 4°C
(8) 8°C
(C) 12°C
(D) 16°C
Archaebacteria tolerate temperature upto
(A) 60°
(B) 90°
(C) 120°
(D) 150°
Archaebacteria can tolerate temperature
(A) 45 °C
(B) 85 °C
(C) 100 °C
(D) 120 °C
Optimum temperature for growth of plants is
(A) 30-40°C
(B) 25-30°C
(C) 10-20°C
(D) 20-40°C
The duration of low temperature (chilling) treatment varies from
(A) 4 days to 2 months
(B) 4 days to 3 months
(C) 2 days to 3 months
(D) 5 days to 5 months
About 50% cases of MODY are caused by mutations in
(A) Kinase gene
(B) Galactoxinase gene
(C) Glucokinase gene
(D) Proteinase
Children with severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome (SC1D) lack enzyme
(A) Adenosine deaminase (ADA)
(B) LH
(D) Vasopressin
The syndrome having trisomy of chromosome number is
(A) Down’s
(B) Patau’s
(C) Edward’s
(D) Jacob’s
At the cephalic end of primitive streak, closely packed cells form local thickening known as
(A) Primitive gut
(B) Primitive ridges
(C) Hensen’s node
(D) Splanchnic mesoderm
The joint that allows the movement in two directions
(A) Hinge joint
(B) Ball and socket joint
(C) Cartilaginous joint
(D) Fibrous joint
Which one of the following is not a joint disease
(A) Arthritis
(B) Sciatica
(C) Disc slip
(D) Spondylosis
Which hormone is necessary for ‘fruit set’
(A) Auxins
(B) Gibberellins
(C) Cytokinins
(D) Ethene
Lack of vasopressin hormone causes:
(A) Diabetes mellitus
(B) Diabetes insipidus
(C) Parkinsqn’s disease
(D) Addison’s diseas
The hormone promotes closing of stomata
(A) Auxins
(B) Gibberellins
(C) Abscisic acid
(D) Cytokinin
Hormone absent in developing seed
(A) Auxines
(B) Gibberellins
(C) Cytokinins
(D) Ethene
Which hormone is chemically a steroid?
(B) Cortisone
(C) Thyroxine
(D) Insulin
After every 200 nucleotide, the DNA duplex is coiled around a core of eight histone proteins forming a sivampiex known as
(A) Green itouse elect
(B) Acid rain
(C) Ozone depletion
(D) Global warming
The two different pieces of DNA joined together, is called as
(A) Dimeric DNA
(B) Chirnaeric DNA
(C) Trimeric DNA
(D) Tetrameric DNA
X-ray diffraction analysis of DNA was performed by
(A) Erwin Chargaff
(B) Watson & Crick
(C) Rosalind Franklin
(D) Charles Darwin
Repeating units of DNA are called
(A) Histones
(B) Nucleosides
(C) Nucleotides
(D) Amino acids
Metabolism of pqrine and pyrimidine produces significance amount of
(A) Creatinine
(B) Creatine
(C) Xanthine
(D) Trimethylamine oxide
The central station of metabolism and the body’s central metabolic clearing agent is
(A) Stomach
(B) Liver
(C) Kidneys
(D) Gut
Which organ is the central station of metabolism
(A) Liver
(B) Kidney
(C) Spleen
(D) Skin
Which one is a haploid cell
(A) Pogonia
(B) Primary oocyte
(C) Secondary oocyte
(D) Zygote
Which one is a plant of a desert
(A) Pinus
(B) Dwarf Willow
(C) Rose
(D) Cactus
The plant in deserts
(A) Remain ever green
(B) Short rooted
(C) Conserve water
(D) Broad leaves
Which one is not desert
(A) Thal
(B) Thar
(C) Sahara
(D) Taiga
Desert ecosystem of Bhakkar and Mianwali is called
(A) Thar
(B) Thai
(C) Cholistan
(D) Rohi
Which one of the following is heterotherm?
(A) Bat
(B) Frog
(C) Snake
(D) Man
Drosophila males for eye colour are
(A) Homozygous
(B) Heterozygous
(C) Hernizygous
(D) None of these
Who for the first time found white eye mutant in Drosophila
(A) Morgan
(B) BriIges
(C) COrrellS
(D) De Varies
Aspartame is a
(A) Dipeptide
(B) Tripeptide
(C) Pentapeptide
(D) Polypeptide
Yellow cytoplasm of ascidian zygote gives rise to
(A) Muscle cells
(B) Gut
(C) Neural tube
(D) Larval epiderniis
Cytoplasm becomes more viscous during
(A) Prophase
(B) Metaphase
(C) Anaphase
(D) Telophase
What happens when both alleles of a gene pair independently express in a lieterozygote
(A) Dominance
(B) Incomplete doininance
(C) Over dorninance
(D) Co-dominance
How many gene pairs contribute to the wheat grain colour
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
The position of a gene on the chromosome is called its
(A) Allel
(B) Henote
(C) Locus
(D) Genotype
Human skin colour is controlled by gene pairs
(A) Two to four
(B) Three to six
(C) Four to six
(0) Six to ten
In natural selection, the environment plays role affecting the propOrtions of gene in
(A) Population
(B) Community
(C) Area
(D) Biome
Secretors have dominant secretor gene “Se” on chromosome
(A) 9
(B) 19
(C) 21
(D) 24
All the genes found in a breeding population constitute
(A) Genotype
(B) Genome
(C) Gene frequency
(D) Gene pool
Bone to bone attachment is by
(A) Tendon
(B) Nerves
(C) Muscles
(D) Ligament
Which one is not a bone of axial skeleton
(A) Ribs
(B) Sternum
(C) Pelvic
(D) Cranium
Amino acid attachment site of tRNA is
(A) G-end
(B) 2-end
(C) 3-end
(D) 5-end
In bacteria the newly synthesized mRNA is released m
(A) Nucleus
(B) Cytoplasm
(C) Mitochondria
(D) None
mRNA is synthesized by
(A) DNA polynierase
(B) RNA polyrneraSe
(C) RNA ligase
(D) none
The microtubule is composed of traces of RNA and protein called
(A) Myosin
(B) Troponin
(C) Actin
(D) Tubulin
Disease caused by nutritional deficiency in man
(A) Cholera
(B) Beriberi
(C) Arthritis
(D) Suclar
Incidence of uric acid st,n,f, is
(A) 5%
(B) 10%
(C) 15%
(D) 70%
The incidence of calcium phosphate stones in kidney of limn is
(A) 10%
(B) 15%
(C) 20%
(D) 25%
The incidence of calcium oxalate type stones are
(A) 40%
(B) 50%
(C) 60%
(D) 70%
The incidence of calcium oxalate types stones of kidney is
(A) 50%
(B) 60%
(C) 15%
(D) 70%
Flame cells are part of excretory system of
(A) Cockroach
(B) Earthworm
(C) Hydra
(D) Planaria
The excretory structures that deliver urine from kidney to urinary bladder
(A) Urethra
(B) Pelvis
(C) Ureter
(D) Collecting tubule
In old trees, the active conducting portion of the wood is called
(A) Sap wood
(B) Heart wood
(C) Cedar wood
(D) Cork
The inactive non-conducting wood is called
(A) Heart wood
(B) Sap wood
(C) Cork
(D) Bark
Nociceptors produce the sensation of
(A) Touch
(B) Pain
(C) Warmth
(D) Pressure
The sensation of pain is produced by
(A) Chemoreceptors
(B) Mechanoreceptors
(C) Photoreceptors
(D) Nociceptors
Abscisic acid can be sprayed on tree crops to regulate
(A) Leaf drop
(B) Shoot drop
(C) Cone drop
(D) Fruit drop
During delivery in human, the average loss of blood is about
(A) 150 cm3
(B) 250 cm3
(C) 350 cm3
(D) 450 cm3
Average loss of blood during birth in human female is about
(A) 150cm3
(B) 250cm3
(C) 350cm3
(D) 450cm3
The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is similar in composition to
(a) Blood
(b) Blood plasma
(c) Blood serum
(d) Blood proteins
The first restriction enzyme was isolated by
(A) Katy Mullis
(B) Hamilton
(C) Sanger
(D) Maxam
Which is not a micronutrient?
(A) Zinc
(B) Iron
(C) Sulphur
(D) Iodine
The percentage of land water cultivation is
(A) 30%
(B) 21%
(C) 1%
(D) 5%
Which of one is absent in animal cell
(A) Spindle
(B) Centride
(C) Chromatids
(D) Phragmeplast
Match diabetes incipidus with one of the following
(A) Oxytocin
(B) Vascopression
(C) Insulin
(D) Glucagon
Phoperiod affects flowering when shoot meristem start producting
() Floral buds
() Leaves
() Lateral bud
() Leaves and lateral bud
In the case of human cell, cell cycle duration is about
(A) 24 hours
(B) 23 hours
(C) 22 hours
(D) 21 hours
Full cell cycle in yeast cells has length of
(A) 30 minutes
(B) 60 minutes
(C) 90 minutes
(D) 120 minutes
A gamete without any sex chromosome is called
(A) Autogamete
(B) Gamete
(C) Nullo gemete
(D) Sex-gamete
Vehicle for transport of male gamete in land plants is
(A) Water
(B) Pollen tube
(C) Pollen grain
(D) Wind
Common method of sexual reproduction are
(A) Tissue culturing
(B) Identical twins
(C) Cloning
(D) All of these
Haemophilia C
(A) Affects both sexes equally
(B) Affects men more than women
(C) Affects women more than men
(D) Is non-allelic recessive sex-linked
Separation of homologous chromosomes occurs during
(A) Prophase
(B) Metaphase
(C) Telophase
(D) Anaphase
Number of chromosome present in honeybee are
(A) 6
(B) 20
(C) 32
(D) 40
Morphological characteristics of chromosomes collectively called
(A) Holotype
(B) Karyokinesis
(C) Karyntype
(D) Neotype
Cell suspension cultures of digitalis lanata produce
(A) Anti-toxin
(B) Digitoxin
(C) Polludrin
(D) Quinine
Acquired characteristics of an individual cannot be
(A) Inherited
(B) Flourished
(C) Lost
(D) Migrated
Coniferous fixests of high altitude are called
(A) Alpine
(B) Arctic
(C) Boreal
(D) Tundra
Northern coniferous forests are also called
(A) Savanna
(B) Prairies
(C) Taiga
(D) Tundra
The ozone layer has developed a hole over the
(A) Arctic
(B) Equator
(C) Anarctica
(D) Tropics
Synapsis occurs during
(A) Pachytent
(B) Leptotene
(C) Zygotene
(D) Diplotene
Most efficient way of supporting the body is seen in
(A) Fishes
(B) Ayes
(C) Reptiles
(D) Mammals
Biome is a
(A) Simple community
(B) Complex community
(C) Regional community
(D) Climax community
The negative physiological changes in our body are called
(A) Degeneration
(B) Abnormalities
(C) Aging
(D) Regeneration
Antibody used for the treatment of genita obtained from
(A) Corn
(B) Soya-bean
(C) Rice
(D) Wheat
Number of Ammonia molecules required to produce one molecule of urea is
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Genomic library is a collection of bacterial or bacteriophage
(A) Genotype
(B) Genome
(C) Gene pool
(D) Clones
Reproduction is necessary for the survival of
(A) Individual
(B) Species
(C) Community
(D) Biome
Maximum speed of nerve impulse transmission is
(A) 100 m/s
(B) 110 m/s
(C) 120 m/s
(D) 130 m/s
Apoptosis is
(A) Division of cells
(B) Death of cells by tissue damage
(C) Suicide of cells
(D) Weakness of cells
Air in motion is called
(A) Atmosphere
(B) Wind
(C) Gas
(D) Weather
A diluted solution compared to the cell concentration is termed as
(A) Hypertonic
(C) Isotonic
(B) Hypotonic
(D) Paratonic
The environment where the animals produce large volumes of diluted urine
(A) Hypotonic aquatic
(B) Isotonic aquatic
(C) Hyriertonic aquatic
(D) Terrestrial
Which animal has long narrow wings
(A) Gull
(B) Owl
(C) Crow
(D) Eagle
Ethene induce flowering in
(A) Banana
(B) Rose
(C) Pine apple
(D) Orange
Parthenocarpy is induced in tomato and pepper by adding
(A) AuZin
(B) Cytokinin
(C) Ethene
(D) Abscisic acid
Microtubules are composed of protein, tubulin and traces of
(C) Glycolipid
(D) Phospholipid
Microtubules are composed of
(A) Tubulin
(B) Insulin
(C) Haemoglobin
(D) Adrenaline
The spread of tumoccells and establishment of secondary area of groivtli is known as
(A) Necrosis
(B) Apoptosis
(C) Metastasis
(D) Epigenesis
In 1958, F.C. Steward grew a complete carrot plant from tiny piece of
(A) Pith
(B) Cortex
(C) Xylem
(D) Phloem
Darwin’s “origin pf species” was published in
(A) 1840
(B) 1859
(C) 1865
(D) 1890
Who proposed the term Niche in Ecology
(A) Haeckel
(B) Grinnell
(C) Elton
(D) Darwin
Metal illness causes
(A) Goitre
(B) Anemia
(C) Alzheimer
(D) Scurvy
Chromatin network is visible during
(A) Interphase
(B) Prophase
(C) Metaphase
(D) Anaphase
In 1901 ABO group system was discovered by
(A) Punnett
(B) Karl Landsteiner
(C) Bernstein
(D) Wiener
The base pairs in human genome are
(A) Two billions
(B) Three billions
(C) Four billions
(D) Five billions
In 1917 term niche was first proposed by American Ornithologist named
(A) Charles Eltarf
(B) Joseph Grinnell
(C) Ernst Haeckel
(D) Lamark
Tobacco plant produces flowers in
(A) Spring
(B) Summer
(C) Autumn
(D) Winter
Protonephridium is found in
(A) Hydra
(B) Planaria
(C) Earthworm
(D) Cockroach
Action of the Venus fly trap is
(A) Nyctinasty
(B) Photonasty
(C) Haptonasty
(D) Thermonasty
Fruit ripening is due to the production of
(A) Auxins
(B) Cytokinin
(C) Gibberellin
(D) Ethane
These have adaptations for reduced transpiration
(A) Xerophytes
(B) Mesophytes
(C) Halophytes
(D) Hydrophytes
Germinating pollen grain is rich source of
(A) Gibberellins
(B) Auxin
(C) Cytokinin
(D) Ethene
The removal of aPex releases the lateral buds from the apical dominance ft is balled
(A) Inhibitory effect
(B) Compensatory effect
(C) Apical dominance
(D) Reproduction
In Pakistan among the animals declared extinct is
(A) White headed duck
(B) Marbled teal
(C) Crocodile
(D) Houbara bustard
One of the following is an example of predator prey relationship
(A) Fungus and alga
(B) Flower and insect
(C) Fox and rabbit
(D) Root nodule bacteria
The productivity can be indicated by
(A) Consumption of CO2
(B) Evolution of CO2
(C) Consumption of 02
(D) Evolution of N2
Growth rate is influenced by
(A) Hormones
(B) water
(C) vitamins
(D) All of these
Mitasis is divided into
(A) Karyokinessis
(B) Cytokinesis
(C) Interphase
(D) Karhokinesis and cytokinesis
The living organisms which can prepare their own food are
(A) Predators
(B) Parasites
(C) Producers
(D) Prey
What is our principle Source of energy
(A) Nuclear energy
(B) Geothermal energy
(C) Solar energy
(D) Tidal energy
Batteries store which type of energy
(A) Electrical
(B) Mechanical
(C) Chemical
(D) Nuclear
Stone cancer is result of
(A) Soil pollution
(B) Water pollution
(C) Air pollution
(D) Stone pollution
Phragnioplast is formed by vesicles originated from
(A) Endoplasmic reticulum
(B) Golgi complex
(C) Chloroplast
(D) Mitochondria
The collenchyma cells have protoplast and usually lack
(A) Primary wall
(B) Secondary wall
(C) Middle lamella
(D) Vacuole
The bacteria in the root nodules fix nitrogen and convert it into
(A) Nitrate
(B) Nitrite
(C) Amino add
(D) Ammonia
The unspecialized cells present in flatworms and planaria are
(A) Neoblast
(B) Osteoblast
(C) Osteoclast
(D) Chondrocyte
A network of dosed tubule without internal openings is called
(A) Protonephridium
(B) Metanephridium
(C) Nephron
(D) Kidney
Which one of the following is initiation codon
The movement shown by sperm of liverworts towards archegonials called
(A) Chemotactic
(B) Sleep movement
(C) Nutation
(0) Chemotropism
In honey bee males sperm are produced by
(A) Meiosis
(B) Mitosis
(C) Apomixis
(D) Parthenocarpy
The first convolute part of vast deferens is called
(A) Epididymis
(B) penis
(C) scrotum
(D) spermS
The study of human populations and things that affect them is called
(A) Demography
(B) Gerenotology
(C) Aging
(D) Evolution
Similar group of individuals who can inter breed and produce organisms Of their own kind form a
(A) Population
(B) community
(C) species
(D) succession
The main reason for the extinction-of species is
(A) Population
(B) Over population
(C) Habitated destruction
(D) Parasitism
Which one of the following is excretophore
(A) Stem
(B) Leaves
(C) Roots
(D) Bark
One of the following part of the plant is excretophore
(A) Stem
(B) Roots
(C) Leaves
(D) Flowers
Fruit develOpment without fertilization is
(A) Dormancy
(B) Climacteric
(C) Parthenocarpy
(D) Parthenogenesis
Unlike most proteins histones are
(A) Positively charged
(B) Negatively charged
(C) Neutral
(D) Discharged
Enzymes are responsible for assembly of
(A) Nucleic acid
(B) Protein
(C) Carbohydrates
(D) All of these
The steady internal state of homeostasis is known as
(A) Disorder
(B) Disease
(C) Normal health
(D) Abnormal health
The protection of an internal environment from the harms of fluctuations is the definition of which of the followings
(A) Osmoregulatin
(B) Excretion
(C) Therinoregulation
(D) Homeostasis
The more concentrated external environment is termed as
(A) Hypotonic
(B) Hypertonic
(C) Isotonic
(D) Osmotic
The study of relationship of organisms to their environment is known as
(A) Biology
(B) zecology
(C) Zoology
(D) Mycology
Which is a long day plant?
(A) Cucumber
(B) Henbane
(C) Sitabean
(D) Strawberry
The category of the plants that has alaptation of small and thick leaves to limitwater loss are called
(A) Hydrates
(B) Xerophytes
(C) Mesophytes
(D) Hygrophytes
Which one is not a mesophyte?
(A) Brassica
(B) Rose
(C) Fmango
(D) Cacti
Which of the following is diititigrades
(A) Rabbit
(B) Monkeys
(C) carnivore
(D) horse
Kohler used Chimpanzee to prove
(A) Habituation
(B) Imprinting
(C) Latent learning
(D) Insight learning
Which one of the following is unguligrade
(A) Bear
(B) Man
(C) Deer
(D) Rodents
The larval epidermis is formed froin
(A) Vclear cytoplasm
(B) Gray equatorial cytoplasm
(C) Yellow cytoplasm
(D) Gray vegetal cytoplasm
Zoos and botanical gardens are to save species whose extinction is
(A) Permanent
(B) Dominant
(C) Imminent
(D) Prominent

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